

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting but I was very busy with my offline live. Who followed me on Twitter could see all new Infos about Kenzie! So here are the news:

At first a few pictures! I found an edit on Instagram of the Taekwondo Picture and I wanted to share it with you!

Edit by sophiaparrfan

We have New/Old Pictures of Mackenzie modeling for Ralph Lauren!

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Here's a New/Old Photo of Kenzie modeling for Garnet Hill in 2006:


Mackenzie tweeted also a picture from a book written by David Baldacci that she is currently reading:
Ok so I'm half way through this book and I'm completely sucked in:) it's great thanks Mr.David
For more Information and an excerpt about the book click here.

A few Informations about Mackenzie's upcomig movies:

  • Unfortunately, The Little Prince will come out 2015.
  • The Boxcar Children will be 10 min. longer than planned it'll be 86 min.

Foybrasil.com posted a few informations about Mackenzie's Interstellar Character Tina:
There is a time the name of Kenzie's character in Interstellar revealed by IMDb, but did not have time to post something about it. Some people ask in asked if we knew anything else, for those who have not seen our response here is the post:Late last year, leaked two girls auditions for the role of Tina in Interstellar . The two actresses have interpreted two dialogues, the first movie Contact (also Nolan) and the second from an unknown film, as this dialogue fits with the elements of Interstellar (grandfather, father leaving, mission without back). This character would be played by a girl about 12 years and that would be the daughter of Cooper (Matthew McConaughey). In the plot of the movie Tina would have to stay with his grandfather while his father goes to space travel. Also a dialogue between Tina and Cooper, Paperback Nolan leaked. For those who are curious click on 'Read full article'and check out:
Cooper: I just talked with his grandfather. He said you want to go.(beats; looking for your face) it surprises me. Tina: Why? Cooper . Well, I thought we were both in fun Tina: You are, starting Cooper: Tina -Tina: - you are going away, as it did before. Cooper: It's different now, Tina. We've talked about it. Tina: You never wanted to be with us, you always wanted to go. Cooper: That's not true. Tina: Then stay. Cooper.'s not as simple as Tina: . Yeah, it is Cooper : Do you like model airplanes, right? Build model airplanes together every weekend. Let's say you one day told me he wanted to be a pilot. Let's say everything you ever dreamed of was flying. What would you do if I told you that you can not? What would you do if I stopped building models with you? You would stop dreaming about it? Tina: Not ... Cooper: This is not right. You still dreaming about it, you would do everything in their power to make those dreams reality. Tina: Not if my family was more important than my dreams. Do not be with them is better than flying. Cooper: You will understand when it is larger. Tina: I built models those idiots ticket with you because that's the only thing that makes you feel comfortable near me! Cooper: I . connect to his grandfather Tina: Okay. Connect. When you leave, you will only be - (stops; voice caught in her throat) None will miss you! You will be just a man who went away to do some stupid thing no other reason than to make happy. Cooper: Tina ... Tina: ! going (turns, then repenting) Wait, father- But he was gone.

Last but not least GKids Films posted a pic:
 Our gorgeous leading ladies, Celestine () and CĂ©lestine (Pauline Brunner).  

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